Voter Registration Day
Living Out Your Civic Duty
National Voter Election Day events
October 27, 2018
Students and staff had a magnificent time at the Voter Registration Event held on September 25th in the HVPA Lobby. Not only did students have the opportunity to take advantage of registering with the Board of Elections right here on campus, but they were able to load up on helpful information in regard to all things voting. The popcorn, ice-cream, cookies, and festive activities were the perfect way to have some fun while engaging in the civic duties that come with this time of year. What’s more American than popcorn, ice-cream, and voting!? Now for many of us the upcoming General Election is downright confusing. Students packed into the lobby with a broad range of understanding for the event, bellowing questions like “What are we voting for?”, “When do we vote?” “Who is running at local levels?”, and on and on.
If you stopped by the tables at the Voter Registration Event, you may have picked up tons of important information to help you navigate this voting process. In speaking with Ms. Ashleigh Johnson, Student Life Assistant, who took the reins on organizing the event; she was able to break down the importance of Voter Registration at HCC. Ashleigh stated, “Our main goal is to inform the students about voting and the process behind it.” And that they did! Information ranging from details about early voting, to common voting and election terms to familiarize yourself with, registration information, minority voting highlights for women and transgendered citizens, all the way to pocket sized copies of the U.S Constitution were provided.
You may have heard that millennial voters are particularly under the microscope for this upcoming election because of the group’s sheer numbers! Millennials have the power to make real changes, all it takes is political action! Ashleigh laid out just why she thinks student action is so crucial when it comes to politics; “I think it’s important for the voice of the students to be heard. For the students to vote and have the person they elect represent them and their concerns – it’s important. On a campus level, it’s pivotal for the college to offer information about voting that students may not otherwise have access to.” It’s as simple as that! Your vote is your voice!
A total of 21 students registered to vote during the event and countless checked in on their status to be ready for the next step as registered citizens! What’s next? Casting your vote! Most immediately, the General Election will be held November 6th, with early voting starting as soon as October 25th. Now you have probably heard the phrase ‘Midterm Election’ buzzing around and it’s important to know what that means. The General Elections happen at local, state, and the national level. For this particular upcoming vote, we are in between Presidential elections, so votes cast will be determining members of Congress. This is just as important as the Presidential election and it’s so imperative to make your vote count! If you missed the event, registration forms are provided in the Office of Student Life.