Frozen II Review
December 13, 2019
Frozen 2, the sequel to the popular animated Disney movie, Frozen, released in 2013, follows the two main characters, sisters Anna and Elsa, as they embark on a journey with friends Olaf, Kristoff and Sven. Elsa begins to hear a voice in her head and decides to get to the bottom of it, as it starts to annoy her, by setting out on a quest to discover the voice’s origins. Elsa, with Anna, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf in tow, travel to the enchanted forest their parents told them about when they were younger. Throughout the rest of the movie, Elsa discovers the origins of the voice she has been hearing as well as the root of her powers, Anna learns that she must let Elsa do some things on her own, Olaf comes to terms with himself as he fights a personal battle and Kristoff resolves a big decision he has to make with the help of Sven.
Overall, the movie was a great sequel, picking up on some cliffhangers that were left behind in the original movie, like the death of the sisters’ parents and how Elsa got her powers. Featuring new songs, such as “Into the Unknown” and “Lost in the Woods,” the movie had some very great cinematic characteristics, like the realness and quality of the animation style. Personally, I loved the movie, as it made me cry a little towards the end, but it is a great movie to watch with friends and family members during the holiday season, as the movie seems to take place during a holiday similar to Thanksgiving and Christmas.
However, the rumors of Elsa having a girlfriend in the sequel seem to be false, as there aren’t any suggestions of a romantic relationship with any female characters. Additionally, the “new character” that was seen in the movie’s original trailer turns out to be just another side character, who becomes friends with Elsa, that is introduced later in the movie. It would have been nice for Disney to introduce a love interest for Elsa, whether they be male or female, instead of creating this image that Elsa doesn’t need a partner, and prefers to focus on running the kingdom. Although there is nothing wrong with focusing on oneself, it still would be interesting for Elsa to have a partner. But, all in all, Frozen 2 was a very good, family-friendly movie that has something in it for everyone to enjoy.