Weekly Horoscope– November 9th, 2020

Trent Tabor

Horoscope for the week of November 8, 2020

Capricorn: Jan 20 – Feb 16

As the new election has come to an end, it is best not to pick sides on how you feel about it, as this can stir up negativity.

Aquarius: Feb 16 – March 11

This week, you should be cautious, and try not to push yourself too much. Don’t let emotion and adrenaline be the horses to your carriage.

Pisces: March 11 – April 18

Play a game of emotional trivia with yourself. If you spend this week alone or with those you care about, you will be able to talk about an unpleasant situation and let it go.

Aries: April 18 – May 13

Let this week become more relaxed, and personal events will become easier to handle.

Taurus: May 13 – June 21

If you get caught in even the most momentary impulse, you will get caught in a pile of someone else’s negative emotions.

Gemini: June 21 – July 20

This week, you can bond with those you have distant relationships with, whether it be colleagues, distant family, or even classmates.

Cancer: July 20 – Aug 10

This week is good for scheduling conversations with the higher-ups. You might be able to give them advice, and you might even get a surprise in your personal life.

Leo: Aug 10 – Sept 16

Your professional skills are in demand, so it is an excellent time to advance in your career, even if it does not bring you financial profit. No matter what, a bright future is underway.

Virgo: Sept 16 – Oct 30

This is a good week for forgetting mistakes of the past and useless ambitions that prevent you from reaching your true goal. It is wise to devote time to casual conversation with friends and family.

Libra: Oct 30 – Nov 23

As always, it is sage advice not to yield to your impulses. Spend the week in a state of mindfulness.

Scorpio: Nov 23 – Nov 29

There may be no solution to the current problem you are facing. Try to focus on past inspirations and hobbies, and you may find a way to cope with it.

Ophiuchus: Nov 29 – Dec 17

If you want to stay socially distanced today, there are plenty of ways to distract yourself, such as reading or watching a movie. Texting or calling someone you know can also calm you and distract you from your normal routine.

Sagittarius: Dec 17 – Jan 20

Do not commit yourself to anything serious this week. You may desire to laze around. Follow that desire, as it is in your own favor.

Keeping You Engaged

The idea of a 13th sign is very polarizing. When I asked about it in a program I was in, someone said that they didn’t like Ophiuchus because it makes them a Cancer. However, Erin Edwards, a regular newspaper reader commented:

“Thank god this horoscope changed me from a Gemini to a Taurus, the two-faced life really wasn’t for me. I can’t wait to inspire others around me.”

Others from older generations like to argue that there are only twelve signs according to Babylonian zodiac.

The truth of the matter is, according to NASA, when the Babylonians had set their zodiac into place, there were originally 13 signs. However, since there were only twelve months on the Gregorian calendar, the Babylonians had to dump one; they dumped Ophiuchus. However, with the International Fixed Calendar, 13 months came, allowing for a 13th sign to come with it.

However, people not only have problems with 13 signs, but 13 months causes problems too. It would be hard, then, to calculate birthdays before the calendar would have been set in place. It would also be hard to calculate quarterly revenue. Instead, we would have to calculate monthly revenue. Finally, Cotsworth’s idea failed altogether. What do you think about it?
See you next week,
The Pizza Conjurer, formerly Pisquarius
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What do you think about the international fixed calendar?

  • I don't understand it (100%, 1 Votes)
  • I love it! (0%, 0 Votes)
  • I don't like it (0%, 0 Votes)

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p.s. I quit Snapchat due to distraction