Back-to-School Horoscopes 2022

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Summer’s last hurrah heralds a glowing turn of fate for Cancers.

Trent Tabor

Welcome back, Dragons!

Aries: March 21-April 19

Because life can get hectic, you must exercise and eat healthily to maintain your energy levels. Your star sign is upbeat, with little to hold you back. Right now is the time to tap into your magic and let go of any lingering anxieties. Chiron, a comet that orbits between Saturn and Uranus, also encounters your sign this week, so he could be stirring up memories that make you want to shrink. You’ll look back on this and remember that he’s addressing such memories to help you heal—not to taunt you or make you feel small.

Taurus: April 20-May 20

Your back-to-school horoscope emphasizes love, creativity and fun! If you have a partner in crime, take charge of the moment by organizing some fun nights out. This is also an excellent time for you to engage in new art projects and spend quality time with friends.

Gemini: May 21-June 21

This autumn season, you’re in the mood to study and get cozy. There is no better time this year to relocate, redecorate or rearrange your office. Mercury has been in this sector of your natal chart since August 4, aiding you in creating a more authentic study environment. Venus will arrive on September 5, allowing you to add more charm to your living spaces until September 29.

Cancer: June 22-July 22

Your money has been on your mind in recent weeks, which is why you’ve been considering asking for outside help with increasing your income. The Sun and Venus have been preparing to assist you in raising and maintaining your wealth, both financially and spiritually. Money is drawn to you until Venus enters your communications sector on September 5. You should also highlight September 28 on your calendar, as this favorable financial energy will form a trine to Mars and help you secure a bonus. You are shining brightly now, so remember to ask for what you want.

Leo: July 23-August 22

Leo season has come to an end. You’ve had a good time, and now it’s time to get back to work. The transition of Venus from Leo into Virgo brings your budget and career to the forefront of your mind. The celestial vibe may become more serious (think back-to-school energy). But this can bring good fortune in the form of a salary increase, reward or economic opportunity. If you’ve been hoping for career advancement, the stars are aligning in your favor.

Virgo: August 23-September 22

This summer has been hot and humid, which hasn’t helped you get out of your thoughts and into the world. Yet those struggles are meant to be. After you finish reading this prediction, you’ll understand why. The Sun and Venus passed in your 12th house of meditation and isolation during the last month of summer. When these powerful planets are in this lonely section of your natal chart, they encourage you to focus on aspects of yourself rather than the world around you.

Libra: September 23-October 22

Your social life has been thriving recently, and you’re beginning to need some alone time. We all know you’re the zodiac’s sociable butterfly, but even the butterfly needs to sleep every now and then. Fortunately for you, the cosmos has your back—you’ll get a few weeks off before heading back to work. Take in everything you can as education can illuminate your mind.

Scorpio: October 23-November 21

The previous few weeks of summer may have been more business than enjoyment for you. As much as you’ve appreciated the attention around your work, genuine leisure is calling your name. Overall, the fall season will offer more harmony to your life and a chance to better your quality of life around September 29. This fall will be bright if you seek balance, healthily let off steam and keep things light.

Sagittarius: November 22-December 21

You’ve been in your zone this summer. Adventure was on your mind, and chances to embark on worthwhile adventures were abundant. Mercury is already preparing your path ahead, establishing new avenues of interaction and initiating all kinds of dialogues that will lead to substantial professional advancement. The planet of communication will be with you until September 23. So remember to say “yes” far more than “no” to work opportunities. By mid-September, you’ll recognize the difference between summer enjoyment and fall effort.

Capricorn: December 22-January 19

Your finances have been weighing heavily on you lately. Saturn’s arrival in your second house of earned wealth, self-worth and values in December 2020 has intensified this state of mind. You’ve got to stick to a budget and take your finances seriously. You’d do best to sort through your insecurities, as well as what you value and how you can sustain yourself.

Aquarius: January 20-February 18

Love is in the air, and you may feel torn between holding steady and reaching out for romance this autumn, especially if you have a blossoming crush on a new classmate. You must strike the right balance between your longing for independence and your desire for commitment. Just know that you don’t have to sacrifice your inner peace for a relationship.

Pisces: February 19-March 20

You’ve been far more occupied than you had planned this summer. Make sure you’re eating well, exercising and taking breaks to replenish and sustain your energy. This is the only way you won’t burn out. Your love life will take off, giving you the chance to ultimately engage in a relationship or move forward with a companion. All this romance may provide an enticing excuse to sleep less. Carpe diem!

Keeping You Engaged

As we shift back into the school spirit, the stars have aligned to guide you through your journey ahead. Whether you’re a part-time student with a job or a full-timer trying to make the Dean’s List, this week’s predictions can help you determine the best path to follow this semester.