3-in-1 Horoscope: Lunar Eclipse, Full Moon, Election Day

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Picture of a red colored Full Moon in a dark sky background

Trent Tabor

A total lunar eclipse—when the Earth’s shadow crosses the Moon’s surface in full—turned the moon red this week on Election Day, Nov. 8. The eclipse was visible to Marylanders in the early morning, as Dominic Ford of in-the-sky.org reports. The full moon and eclipse was in Taurus.

Aries: March 21-April 19

With the full moon and lunar eclipse in your second house of income, it is time to fight for your sense of security and the knowledge that you are worth what you are worth. You have made progress in this area of your life over the last six months, and now it is time to be daring.

Taurus: April 20-May 20

The lunar eclipse and full moon in your sign might be a huge turning moment for you. You are pumped up to defend your demands while yet admitting that partnership is an important aspect of your existence. Still, you may be forced to change how you show up for people who do not do the same in return.

Gemini: May 21-June 20

The lunar eclipse and full moon illuminate your 12th house of spirituality, emphasizing the importance of relaxation and mental health care. Slowing down as a Mercury-ruled individual might be difficult, but it is also essential for your mind, body and spirit right now.

Cancer: June 21-July 22

Big shifts in whom you consider your friends, teammates or coworkers have been developing in your 11th house of networking and long-term wishes. Current societal upheavals may be unsettling, but they may eventually lead to a sense of belonging and support from others around you.

Leo: July 23-August 22

Because the full moon and lunar eclipse are both in your 10th house of profession and public image, work-life balance is a key subject for you right now. You may acquire insight into how to effectively balance your well-being with your career goals in the future.

Virgo: August 23-September 22

This lunar eclipse and full moon fall in your ninth house of adventure, which may drive you to break away from your daily routine to foster personal growth. With Mercury, your ruler, presently occupying the third house of communications, exchanging notes with friends might result in useful—and completely unexpected—learning experiences.

Libra: September 23-October 22

With the full moon and lunar eclipse in your eighth house of relationships, vulnerability is the key to increasing your degree of comfort in your closest connections. Now is the moment to have those difficult discussions, concerning shared finances, because Mercury is in your second house of income.

Scorpio: October 23-November 21

If anybody knows what this astrological event may bring, it is you, whose life has been profoundly altered by the eclipses this year. This one falls in your seventh house of collaboration, so the cosmos is once again asking you to balance your wants with those of a significant other, loved one, friend or coworker. Giving and taking are as important to your wellness as being in touch with your inner self.

Sagittarius: November 22-December 21

The full moon and lunar eclipse energize your sixth house of health and routine, leading to a breakthrough in work-life balance and self-care. You are understanding that it is not only that you desire your everyday life to change. It must be for your benefit.

Capricorn: December 22-January 19

This full moon and lunar eclipse fall in your fifth house of love and self-expression, so you will get the impression that the world is asking you to let go of your need to succeed in life now and to follow your feelings. Your artistic and amorous ambitions are as important as—if not more important than—professional recognition.

Aquarius: January 20-February 18

The lunar eclipse and full moon, both of which fall in your fourth house of life at home, may serve as a wake-up call to confront deep-seated emotional traumas. Because Mercury is in your career 10th house and Saturn is in your sign, being ready to work through your past might pave the way for an even greater future.

Pisces: February 19-March 20

This month’s full moon and lunar eclipse fall in your third house of communications, igniting your drive to connect and learn. You may believe that now is the moment to seek a new degree or develop your knowledge and skills by collaborating closely with a valued mentor.