Dungeons and Dragons Class Horoscope

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Trent Tabor

In honor of the first HCC D&D meetup this month, this horoscope covers which class you should play based on your zodiac sign.


Because there are no spells to learn, the barbarian class in D&D is ideal for beginners. They’re recognized for their trademark wrath, yet it’s not their rage that drives them; it is indeed their love. Barbarians, being largely Strength and Constitution-based characters, are frontline combatants who must make rapid judgments and face heavy costs for blunders in combat. Aries, the cardinal fire sign, is ruled by Mars, the planet of passion and violence. It signifies the purest force of fire as a cardinal sign. While they might be fiery, they are the sign most likely to act decisively. Additionally, Saturn, the planet of discipline and harsh lessons, is in the fall while Aries is in the ascent. As a result, Aries might be impetuous and should bear the cost when this happens.


Rangers are adept explorers who boost Dexterity and Wisdom. Their weapons are often long-ranged, and they excel in stealth, survival and perception. Taurus is the first earth sign of the zodiac and has a constant modality. These characteristics indicate how rooted they are; however they can be overly obstinate. Venus is their governing planet, implying a fondness for home comforts and beauty. They, like rangers, are grounded and concentrated on their daily work. Finding food, putting up a tent and scouting for foes or followers are common tasks in a campaign setting.

Dungeons & Dragons Tiefling showing a dice displaying the number 20. (Deposit Photos)


Warlocks are charismatic individuals who establish pacts with otherworldly entities in exchange for magical abilities. Patrons can include everything from old gods to Fiends, Arch-fey, Genies and deadly deep-sea creatures. Warlocks are multitalented spell casters as a result of such pacts. Gemini is a changeable air sign with a “two-faced” image that stems from people misinterpreting what Gemini symbolizes. Geminis are, however, excellent multitaskers, jacks of all trade and talkers. Its Mercury rulership suggests these characteristics. The twins symbolize Gemini, and they, like warlocks, appear to be several entities merged into one.


Clerics are the main healers in any classic D&D group, and being Wisdom-based casters, they have a better understanding of others. Even though they are harsh adversaries, their healing emphasis makes them appear caring and kind. Cancer is a cardinal water sign, which means they have a close relationship with emotions, as their moon rulership demonstrates. Cancers are frequently viewed as a caring sign since they like nurturing others. They may retreat into their shells at times, but they’re usually understanding and sympathetic.


Sorcerers, one of the most challenging D&D classes to play, are born with the ability to cast spells. This is in stark contrast to wizards, who obtain their talents via studying, or clerics and warlocks, who get their abilities from outside sources. They are far more flashy and strong Charisma-casters than their rivals. The celestial body comprising the exterior identity, ego and presentation is the sun, which dominates Leo. As a result, Leos enjoy being the center of attention and typically have the skill to back it up. Leo is also a fixed fire sign, which means they may be obstinate but passionate. Sorcerers in D&D are similar in that they are enduring and ever-present but don’t mind being in the spotlight.


Artificers are spellcasters and analytical tinkerers. They are like wizards in that they are Intelligence oriented and utilize that stat as a spell-casting factor. Virgos are the zodiac’s changeable earth sign, and Mercury, like Gemini, rules over them. As a result, Virgos, like artists, like discovering and creating new things. They are also grounded and sensible, and, while they dislike being wrong, they are not dogmatic enough to refuse to make amends for their errors. Similarly, artificers are accustomed to being the sharpest in the room, yet they learn by trial and error.


Paladins, a D&D class with tremendous fighting abilities, are holy warriors whose pledges provide them with Charisma-based spell casting. These promises are frequently made to a god. However, this is not always the case. Paladins are traditionally lawful good versions of Clerics since the game required them to be as such. As a result, they are committed to justice. Libras are represented by the scales, signifying their desire for fairness and truth. Venus, like Taurus, controls Libra, endowing the cardinal air sign with a penchant for beauty and tranquility in all aspects of life. As a result, Libras strive to avoid conflict. Libras, on the other hand, make for formidable opponents when spurred to action, as any paladin’s adversary can confirm.

Dungeons & Dragons dice being rolled on a paper-strewn table. (Deposit Photos)


Rogues prefer to operate beneath the radar. Therefore, they frequently increase Dexterity to improve with stealth and sleight of hand. The rogue character archetypes in D&D have a murky appearance, which adds to the intrigue. Scorpios, being a fixed water sign, feel paradoxical. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, demonstrating the sign’s forceful and passionate but cryptic and secretive character. Scorpios, like rogues, tend to keep things close to their chest, but they also despise liars.


Bards are skilled spellcasters and musicians who enjoy getting into mischief. They are frequently the “life of the party” because Charisma is their major stat, but they are nonetheless strong components of any D&D group, ranked as one of D&D’s greatest support classes. Sagittarius has a reputation as a party animal among the zodiac signs, due to this mutability and fiery character, which makes them very adaptable and a touch quirky. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the god of fortune and expansion. Jupiter bestows on them a philosophical side as a result. They enjoy engaging in new experiences and possibilities.


Fighters must perform everything without the use of magic, apart from a few subclasses. The Battle Master—one of the finest D&D fighter builds—is a famous fighter build with several battle moves. As a result, they establish themselves as battle strategists and group commanders. Capricorn, the cardinal earth sign, is coldly analytical, but this is because they are continuously finding new alternatives to seek the best answer. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which explains the sign’s strict attitude. Capricorns’ reasoning, like that of the Battle Master, is a cherished attribute that makes them excellent friends.


Wizards are spellcasters who specialize in one of the various schools of spell casting, including Abjuration, Transmutation, Divination, Necromancy, Conjuration, Illusion, Enchantment and additional specializations that make characters incredibly adaptable. Aquarius is a fixed air sign that is ruled by Uranus. Aquarians are restless and against the status quo due to Uranus’s influence. Moreover, they are intelligent and have acute minds, yet they are versatile and multitalented, similar to D&D’s wizards.


Druids and monks are both Wisdom-heavy, insightful and intuitive characters. While Dexterity is frequently the monk’s main stat, their Ki-related skills frequently necessitate high Wisdom, and druids—a wonderful D&D utility class—throw using Wisdom as their bonus. Pisces is the changeable water sign ruled by Neptune. Pisces, as a water sign, is in sync with inner emotions and with the world. With the druid’s spell-casting bonus and the monk’s multiple Ki-point skills, Neptune is the planet of dreams and intuition.