HCC’s newest center opened this past summer on campus: the Social Justice and Equity Center (SJEC). And they already have a mission in mind: let’s paint the walls of this school.
This is not to undermine the efforts of such a valuable center. However, their main purpose is whatever students want it to be. And if that includes painting the walls, then they’ll create an initiative for students to be able to do so.
Also, as to not get lost in the plethora of resources offered by this campus, Vice President of Equity, Inclusion and Transformation, Lakey Boyd, and Sandy Cos, Director of Equity and Community Engagement, are adamant on spreading the word of this newfound center. As this is their first semester on campus, their main goal is to co-create their purpose with students.
Back to painting the walls, though – having a background in city planning, Ms.Boyd strongly believes that meaningful imagery from the students themselves can create a sense of welcome and belonging.
In a brief summary, Boyd stressed the importance of wanting student input in order to reflect it back in their work as a center. Comparing the center to a Grassroots piece, they aim to focus on system inequity – not necessarily checking off boxes on trending issues, but focusing on what is pertinent to students. By gaining the input of HCC students, the SJEC wants to know to ask the right questions. So, in order make the most of this center that wants to serve you, take some time to fill out these quick Google Forms:
After scanning the QR Code below, the form will ask you about which social justice issue is most important to YOU. Whether it be a globally recognized issue, something local, or just a topic you’re passionate about and want to see represented by the SJEC, don’t hesitate to list it.
There are also two questions related to the center, asking about logistics of interacting with them and the demographics of those interested.
Similarly, if you are interested in that idea of a mural, click here.
The center needs your input! With this much willpower just getting started, the center will only grow to serve you. Any additional thoughts or ideas can be listed here.